Australasian Precision Medicine Academy (APMA)

Empowering you to transform your career and patient care through Pharmacogenomics education.

Our Vision

To transform patient care globally through accessible Pharmacogenomics education.

Our Mission

To empower every clinician who completes the APMA Pharmacogenomics program to transform their career and patient care through Pharmacogenomics.

APMA's Purpose

The healthcare system caters to a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to prescribing medications to patients. Strategies to equip pharmacists with the knowledge required to personalize medication plans and help patients tailor medications to their genes are still lagging globally. Until now.So I created an affordable, targeted educational program that equips you with the pharmacogenomics knowledge and business skills required to create a specialized pharmacogenomics service that optimizes medication outcomes, eliminates the trial-and-error approach to prescribing, and advances your clinical expertise for greater career fulfillment.I've spent the last three years researching pharmacogenomics implementation best practices and business strategies to optimize patient medication outcomes and elevate my professional career. After successfully building and launching my private pharmacogenomics consulting practice, I’ve created an accredited pharmacogenomics education program and a business system to replicate. Now, any pharmacist can launch and integrate pharmacogenomics into any health setting they’re in without stress or spending thousands of dollars and time to figure it out on their own.- Katrina Azer


APPLY to enroll in the APMA Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Program NOW

The APMA Pharmacogenomics program delivers a complete blueprint for building a sustainable Pharmacogenomics service.
It's a program I developed based on my experience in building, launching, marketing and going all-in on my Pharmacogenomics private practice.

In 12 weeks, you will be equipped with practical pharmacogenomics knowledge and business skills to transform patient care and optimize medication outcomes, advancing your clinical expertise for greater career fulfillment.You’ll no longer ‘feel stuck’ in your pharmacy career, instead, you’ll stand out as a pharmacist who provides a patient-centered niche service that not only generates revenue, but eliminates the trial-and-error approach to prescribing and makes an impact in patient-care.

So, if you're a pharmacist who wants to:

  • Experience career fulfillment and satisfaction by maximizing on your clinical knowledge

  • Gain business knowledge that'll transform your pharmacy career

  • Save patient lives through meaningful medication interventions

  • Live out your real purpose as a pharmacist, beyond pill counting

  • Build a new service in your pharmacy or health setting

  • Create your own business & build a revenue stream

  • Stop working for someone else for a paycheck

  • Save patients from medication-related harm

  • Save patients from 'trial-and-error' prescribing

  • Practice at the top of your pharmacist scope

  • Be a leading pharmacy industry innovator

  • Stand out amongst the pharmacist crowd

  • Become a Certified Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist

Then you've come to the right place..
Because the APMA Pharmacogenomics program will equip you with the tools to do all of the above.

But...what is Pharmacogenomics?

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the study of how our genes affect our response to medications.

Drugs interact with our bodies in various ways, depending on how we take them and where they act in our bodies. After we take a drug, our body needs to break it down and get it to the intended area.Our DNA can affect multiple steps in this process and influence how we respond to the drug.This is where pharmacogenetics comes in - it determines the genetic variations that may have an impact on drug metabolism.In some cases, our DNA can affect whether we have an adverse reaction to a drug or whether a drug is effective or not.Pharmacogenomics (PGx) can improve patient health by helping them know ahead of time whether a drug is likely to benefit them and be safe for them to take.Knowing this information can help pharmacists work with doctors to find medications that will work best for our patients.Pharmacogenomics is evidence-based and proven to:
• saves lives from medication-related harm
• improve medication outcomes
• improve patient quality of life
• reduces hospitalizations
• save healthcare costs
• saves clinician time
• saves patient time
Pharmacogenomics is ripe for implementation and pharmacists, as medication experts, are the champions of PGx in all healthcare settings.

The APMA Pharmacogenomics Certification, Implementation and Business Program

Are you a pharmacist who wants to experience career satisfaction by becoming an expert in a novel niche field that helps your provide meaningful medication interventions, while helping you THRIVE and GET REVENUE?

In just 12 weeks, this program will equip you with practical pharmacogenomics knowledge and business skills to build a niche sevice without stress, spending thousands of dollars and time to figure it out on your own.

"How is the APMA PGx program better than other certifications?"

The APMA PGx program is not like any other PGx certification.It is a comprehensive, micro-credentialed, 12-week program that provides you with clinical knowledge (certification), implementation (real-world case studies), and business, launching and marketing (turning your knowledge into money) skills.There is no other pharmacogenomics program that will teach you the PGx clinical knowledge AND how to be an entrepreneur and build a thriving PGx business model.

This table below compares the APMA PGx program to other PGx certifications:

FeatureAPMA PGx ProgramOther PGx certifications
Clinical Knowledge
Real-world examples
Recorded sessions
Live trainingsome
Partner with labs
Partner with prescribers
Building a business model
Marketing & branding a service
Launching a PGx service
How to sell the PGx model
Career pathways with PGx
Personalized coaching
Support Community
Building a patient base
Live Events
Weekly newsletter
Research updates
Program lengthComprehensive 12-week program20 hours
Cost$1698$800-$1000 (Certification only)

The APMA program has many features that other programs do not offer. Most PGx certifications are US-based programs. They're based on the US healthcare system and are not universal. They also focus on clinical knowledge and do not equip you with the skillset to monetize your PGx knowledge, which is arguably the most vital component of any knowledge acquired.The APMA program is a GLOBAL program that targets healthcare systems worldwide. The knowledge and principles are applicable anywhere you practice.The APMA PGx Program is internationally recognized and listed on the PharmGKB webpage as a PGx education provider.

"I'm worried about the this financially worth it?"

Is your future worth it?
Is investing in yourself worth it?
We spend money here and there on gadgets and things that don't move us an inch forward.. why then, when it comes to our future, are we reluctant to invest?
Investing in your skills is the best financial investment you can make.
(I wish someone told me this earlier!)

When you complete the APMA PGx program, you will:

  • Become an expert in a novel niche service

  • Stand out amongst the pharmacist crowd

  • Get a cutting-edge, recognizable Microcredential

  • Become a Certified Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist

  • Live out your purpose as a pharmacist, beyond pill counting

  • Save patient lives through meaningful medication interventions

  • Learn marketing skills you’ll never learn elsewhere

  • Lead a new service in your setting

  • Build your consulting business

  • Increase your market value

  • Practice at top of scope

"I don't have time or motivation."

Yes, we know that!
The APMA PGx program is a study-at-your-own-pace program.
Joining the cohort is recommended as it keeps you on track and motivated to keep going but it is not compulsory, as long as you complete the sessions and quizzes in 12 weeks.
We get that your time is scarce, so the lessons are in bite-sized recorded videos no longer than 15-minutes. Attention spans have declined and let's face it, lectures were the bane of my existence, so I am not putting anyone through that miserable experience.The APMA program prides itself in innovating with new learning techniques.
Forget about boring, recorded Zoom lectures. Think e-books, cartoon videos, and bite-sized interactive sessions.
With a range of learning experiences, you're sure to stay awake and not sleep on the keyboard!

"I have enough certifications.. and I'm over pharmacy anyway.. I want to quit altogether."

Oh, NO, you don't!Let's be frank here.. you want to quit because you're over the status quo in healthcare and because you've hit that glass ceiling in pharmacy, especially if you're a retail pharmacist.Yes, I get it—been there, done that!I was a retail pharmacist too, and I quit 3 years ago..I then found my sweet spot, practising virtually in a GP practice and then had a health experience that turned my life around.That's when I stumbled upon pharmacogenomics and built my private consulting model and I've never looked back since.PGx provides the career satisfaction and fulfillment you're longing for. You're frustrated because you signed up for pharmacy to help reduce the medication burden and to help patients understand their medicines, not to spend 90% of your time counting pills. That's why you're frustrated, because of the staggering disconnect between what you signed up for and what you are ACTUALLY doing.So, here's the solution, offered to you on a silver platter..This is your opportunity to lead in a novel field...To build your own income stream..To serve patients the way you're meant to..To reduce the medication burden and help patients get medicines that are actually suited to their genes.As slow as it'll happen, you'll slowly build recognition in the field and be recognized as a leader in this field in your medical community because there aren't that many PGx pharmacists out there - trust me!THIS IS what you're actually meant to be doing.THIS IS your opportunity to leverage, to be the pharmacist you've always wanted to be.One who helps patients get the right medicines, at the right dose, for their unique genes.One who reduces medication-related adverse events and hospitalizations.One that reduces polypharmacy in a world of over-prescribing.YES, THAT'S YOU!No matter how many certifications you've hoarded in your pharmacy lifetime. This is DIFFERENT.This is not another certification, this is the MISSING one. The FUNDAMENTAL certification that every pharmacist on earth should have.How could we even be prescribing patients drugs randomly when the technology exists to match it to their genes? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.And so you're here to help practitioners and patients in your community make sense of it all, through the power of PGx.Don't quit on pharmacy, this is your opportunity to turn your career around to what it was meant to be.I don't care how many years into practice you are, but it's never too late to find your purpose - to help patients get the right medicine, at the right dose, for their genes.So.. will you seize the opportunity?Or will you just keep doing what you're doing every day and hope that an angel will come to save you from your misery?

"Is the certification internationally recognized and accredited?"

The APMA PGx program is micro-credentialed and accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. The program is also listed on the US-based PharmGKB (Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base) as a recognized PGx certification program.
Any pharmacist who completes the program can use the postnominal CPGx (Certificate in Pharmacogenomics).

"Is the knowledge applicable in my country?"

Yes. Wherever you're based, the APMA PGx program knowledge is applicable.The program content is not specific to any healthcare system. It covers the fundamentals of PGx knowledge required to apply PGx to any health setting in any country around the globe.Equally, the principles of building a new service in a pharmacy or building your own consulting practice or communicating PGx to prescribers is universal.It is called the Australasian Precision Medicine Academy, recognizing that there is no formal accreditation in the Southern Hemisphere, to distinguish it from programs offered in the US, which is the only country that offers PGx accreditation at this point.APMA will be the only program offered throughout Australia, NZ, US, Canada, UK and beyond. In addition, a significant proportion of the content covers the research evidence that is conducted in the US.The program content was developed based on resources from FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) and ACPE (Accreditation Standards of Pharmacy Education) to provide ‘Competency-Based’ education (CBE). In CBE, the goal is learning, not teaching, which aims to provide you with learning experiences that equip you with the confidence and ability to provide a safe PGx consultation and be able to interpret the data safely and effectively.CBE begins with the end in mind. I look at the final shape of the service I want you to provide to the patient, and then work backwards to identify the learning methods and tools I will use to equip you with the learning you need to provide a successful PGx service.

"PGx sounds highly technical.. do I need any prior experience"

Yes, we get that clinical knowledge fades with time. So, we've designed the program to cover everything from recapping the basics to get you on track, to the technicalities.Whatever point in your clinical knowledge you're at, you'll find your pace and fit in.This isn't a record-and-ghost program where you'll be left on your own to listen to the recordings - I'm not a sell-and-ghost type educator!I will be there, guiding you every step of the way.

"How will I find patients and prescribers to work with?"

We know how daunting it is to venture into unknown territory... so we're spoon-feeding you everything.The program provides the frameworks and tools to find prescribers and integrate the PGx model into their practice to get referrals. We'll cover in detail how to reach out and collaborate with prescribers.The business component of the program provides the tools to find and nurture patients in your community who eventually take up your PGx services. We equip you with all the tools needed to maximize your chances of success.
But ultimately, success depends on you doing the work!
If you're expecting to wake up to a lucrative income stream the day after you finish the program, then this program is not for you!
Success does take time, and how quickly you grow your business will depend on how active you are in doing the work needed with the knowledge and frameworks provided.

"But I don't know if there are labs in my country?!"

The APMA program provides you with a collaboration pathway with a lab if you're in NZ, Australia, US or Canada. If you're not in one of these countries, we'll work with you to partner you with a lab in your country or a nearby country.

"Can PGx allow me to work remotely?"

Yes, the program covers the use of telehealth and how you can create a remote working position and make it work for you, including how to collaborate remotely with prescribers and pharmacies.

"This sounds risky.. what if I fail?"

Apart from the cost of the program, there are little to no startup costs involved in building your own business or integrating this as a service in your current health setting. By taking action now, you are future-proofing your career and mitigating any future risk of lay-offs. Building a PGx service can work nicely alongside your current role, you don't have to do either/or. You can do both!Becoming PGx certified actually future-proofs you by making you stand out amongst your peers, and position yourself uniquely as an expert in a novel field.

"Is PGx evidence-based?"

Heck Yes!It's a common misconception in the medical industry that there is no evidence. PGx is evidence-based and there is a growing body of evidence for the value of PGx testing.In addition, recommendations for dose changes are not haphazard, they're made based on guidelines developed and peer-reviewed by CPIC, the Clinical Pharmacogenomics Implementation Consortium, and are easily implementable through the utility of PharmGKB (the Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base), the role of both of these is discussed in detail in the program.

"What is the biggest challenge I may face with this?"

The courage to do something new is not easy to come by. We get it!
We, pharmacists are a risk-averse bunch and fair enough too, we can't half-verify a prescription. And so when it comes to adopting novel ways of working, I'm afraid we apply the same principle which often holds us back tremendously from progress.Building something new is scary, but not as scary as missing out on what will one day become the future of medications and prescribing.Be an early-adopter, embrace growth, and be part of innovation!

"Will patients actually pay for my services?"

Believe it or not, they will!As sad as it sounds, we undervalue our services more than anyone else. Once you start to grasp the opportunity and understand the value PGx brings to patient care, you will easily be able to communicate this value to patients who will not only pay but are desperately looking for you and need your services.The APMA program focuses on providing persuasive communication techniques that target the patient's pain points and hence 'paying' becomes an easy conversation to have.

"But, I work in retail pharmacy, will a pharmacogenomics service work in this setting?"

The APMA program targets pharmacists in ALL healthcare settings - community/retail pharmacy, MD office/GP practice pharmacists, hospital, and concierge/private pharmacist consulting.Think of a pharmacogenomics service as the foundation of any medication recommendation you make, it's like a guideline you'll adopt into your practice and that's how it should be - shouldn't you only be giving patients medications that work for them?The program has modules for pharmacists in a variety of settings, so you'll be able to incorporate it into your practice wherever it is.

"Is this certification delivered by a university?"

The APMA PGx program is micro-credentialled and accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. The program is also listed on the US-based PharmGKB (Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base) as a recognized PGx certification program.
The program content is mainly delivered by Katrina Azer, based on international evidence and CPIC and PharmGKB criteria in a novel educational format.

"I still have some questions..."

Don't wait, reach out to us!We want your peace of mind when enrolling and have all your questions answered.We want to make sure that when you decide to enroll you have all the reassurances you need to know that this aligns with your career purpose and vision and will work for you.Click the button below to fill out a form and we'll be in touch with you ASAP.

Here's what pharmacists are saying about the program...

What will the program deliver?

The program covers EVERYTHING you need to launch a thriving Pharmacogenomics consulting service

Listen..I've launched a thriving pharmacogenomics consulting practice, and recorded everything -what's worked and what hasn't.The APMA PGx program presents clinical knowledge, and business strategies to create a sustainable PGx service.

You will get a 12-week Comprehensive Pharmacogenomics Certification which includes:

Part I: Pharmacogenomics Clinical Knowledge - The Certification

  • Clinical Pharmacy knowledge - 50+ hours videos - 35+ Modules

  • Live 4 hour training

  • Different modules for different body systems

  • Interactive Q&A with peers

  • Assessments & Assignments - you’ll need to pass these for certification

  • Use of CPIC & PharmGKB guidelines

  • Discuss the Evidence for PGx

BUT WAIT...You will also get this:

Part 2: PGx Implementation and real-world application

  • Real-world PGx examples and applicability

  • Case studies from practice so you don’t have to figure it out yourself

  • Finding and partnering with labs

  • Finding and partnering with prescribers

  • ‘How to sell PGx’ - persuasive communication strategies

Because using genetic results to decide which medications suit a patient or not doesn't need 5 more years getting another degree, or outsourcing marketing gurus to build your brand...

Knowledge is NOT Power unless you learn how to turn it into money. We've all been there and got that extra credential or certification, but how much $$ did it add to our bank account?You need to know how to turn that knowledge into money that not only benefits you but most importantly makes an impact in the world.

Part 3: Business, Marketing & Launch Modules

  • EXACTLY How to create a THRIVING business model

  • EXACTLY How to beta-test your service

  • Structure, accounting, insurance and legal aspects

  • Branding and networking

  • Creating a service 'offer'

  • Email marketing strategies

  • Building your website

  • Business systems and automations

  • Creating social media content

  • Marketing your business

  • How to Launch successfully

  • How to be a Thriving Pharmapreneur - The Pharmapreneur Mindset

  • Career Pathways with PGx - how do you find growth opportunities

It's a ton of business knowledge to build your business and brand that you won't get elsewhere!!

This program gives you EVERYTHING you need to maximize your success..


  • Live Networking Events

  • Live Group Coaching Calls

  • Supportive PGx Facebook Community

  • Research Updates to keep you up-to-date

  • Lead Capture System to build patient trust

  • PGx Workbook Guide to apply the knowledge

  • Business resources & templates to help with implementation

  • APMA Weekly Newsletter to update you on industry happenings

  • ONE Personalized 1-1 Session with APMA's Founder, Katrina Azer

When you complete the APMA PGx program, you will:

  • Be a Certified Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist (CPGx)

  • Grow your Entrepreneur Mindset

  • Have Clinical PGx Knowledge & Skills

  • Learn Persuasive Marketing Skills

  • Be partnered with Labs & Prescribers

  • Learn how to Start & Launch a business

  • Collaborate with Prescribers in Hospital & Private Practices

  • Learn how to build a client base

  • Learn how to embed the PGx model in any health setting

But here's the thing...

Only 12 candidates are accepted per cohort

This program only accepts pharmacists who are qualified and ready to show up, do the work and achieve the program objectives.Every applicant will be assessed for eligibility depending on application responses.

Stop scrolling through job posting websites and dwelling on your miserable fate.Take Action TODAY to secure a brighter future and learn how to actually leverage your clinical knowledge...To be the Pharmacist you've always wanted to be using the power of Pharmacogenomics.To save patients from medication-related harm.

Stop assuming that a medication is safe just because it has been prescribed.

You've already tried:

  • Referring the patient back to their prescriber (and they didn't do much!)

  • Contacting the prescriber on behalf of the patient (no luck there!)

  • Referred them to a specialist (6-months of trial-and-error with little success)

It's time that pharmacists take charge and advocate for patients using the power of personalized medications in matching medicines to genes


Prescribers don't have time!
You are the medicines expert who needs to proactively work in collaboration with them and manage medications with PGx.

Over your 12 weeks working through this program, we will focus on these goals and objectives:

You're a good fit for this program if:

  • You understand that the program is a tool, you need to put in the work

  • You're willing to adopt novel ways of working

  • You're willing to show up and be patient to learn new skills

  • You take action

  • You're willing to approach prescribers and collaborate

  • You're willing to gain confidence and put yourself out there and market your service

You're NOT a good fit for this program if:

  • You think success is in obtaining the PGx certification only

  • You're not willing to invest hours to build/learn how to run a business/service

  • You're expecting me to tell you exactly what to do every minute of the day

  • You're not willing to get out of your comfort zone!

Are you ready to:

  • Deliver a valuable health service to your patients

  • Save patients from medication harm

  • Prevent unnecessary hospitalizations

  • Gain financial freedom

  • Improve patient quality of life

  • Provide a sustainable clinical service

  • Provide value while building a revenue stream

  • Be satisfied and fulfilled in your pharmacy career

If you're ready to see the above results then

This program won't just flood you with clinical knowledge..

Inside the program, you'll be equipped with actionable frameworks and strategies to help you implement the knowledge and use it to build a sustainable PGx service.

The APMA PGx Program is DIFFERENT.

It walks you step-by-step through the process with templates and frameworks that you get to keep forever, whilst having the support of a community of like-minded pharmacist entrepreneurs who're doing the same thing.
The beauty of the APMA PGx program is that you're not doing this alone.
You're part of a supportive life-long community.

Stop stalking the content of this page..
The answer to your career growth is inside the program, not in re-reading this page!

If this sounds like it is for you, then it is, trust yourself enough to take this step.It's time you start getting PAID for delivering VALUE.

The APMA PGx Program will continue to improve and expand.

Every pharmacist gets lifetime access with their one-time payment. I plan on continuously expanding the program with additional content, taught by myself and other international guest speakers. You'll get these updates free of charge:Updates include:

  • New video lessons

  • Outside expert presentations

  • Case studies of other pharmacists championing PGx

  • Content additions and improvements

  • Supportive FB community to discuss ideas/share lessons

  • Continuous research updates and PGx best practice guidelines

Why Pharmacogenomics?

As clinicians in the grind of a stressful healthcare system, we are quick to jump to conclusions about why a drug isn’t working. And this isn’t how it should be; we need to take a patient’s genetics into account. Each individual's genetic makeup can significantly impact how they respond to medications, making pharmacogenetic testing indispensable, especially in pharmacy.By identifying specific genetic variants that influence drug metabolism and efficacy, pharmacogenetic testing helps personalize treatment plans, optimize medication choices for better outcomes, and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.A pharmacogenetic test involves a simple cheek swab, blood sample, or saliva collection, depending on the variances (called gene panels) that need to be identified, but the most commonly used PGx test is a simple cheek swab.Here are several compelling reasons for the integration of pharmacogenomics into mainstream clinical practice:1. Improved Drug Efficacy and Safety: Pharmacogenomics can lead to more effective and safer prescribing by identifying the right drug at the right dose for each patient. Genetic variations can affect an individual's response to drugs, including how the drug is metabolized, which can lead to variations in clinical outcomes. By understanding these variations, we can select drugs that are more likely to be effective and less likely to cause adverse drug reactions. [1]2. Reduction in Trial and Error Prescribing: Traditionally, finding the right medication has often been a process of trial and error. Pharmacogenomics offers the potential to reduce this uncertainty by predicting which medications are likely to work best for a particular patient based on their genetic makeup. [2]3. Cost-Effectiveness: While pharmacogenomic testing may have upfront costs, it has the potential to be cost-effective in the long run. By avoiding ineffective treatments and reducing the likelihood of adverse drug reactions, pharmacogenomics can decrease the overall cost of healthcare by lowering hospitalization rates and reducing the need for additional treatments. [3]4. Enhancing Drug Development: Pharmacogenomics can also aid in drug development by identifying biomarkers that predict drug response, which can streamline clinical trials and make them more efficient. This personalized approach can help in developing targeted therapies that are effective for specific patient groups identified through genetic markers. [4]5. Ethical and Legal Considerations: The implementation of pharmacogenomics in clinical practice also addresses ethical and legal concerns related to drug prescribing. It promotes the principle of "do no harm" by minimizing the risk of adverse drug reactions. Moreover, it aligns with the legal expectations of precision in medical treatment, potentially reducing the incidence of medication-related litigation [1].6. Global Health Improvement: The widespread adoption of pharmacogenomics has implications beyond individual patient care. It represents a shift towards a more global perspective on health, where treatments can be tailored not just to individuals but also to populations with specific genetic profiles, thus improving public health outcomes on a larger scale [2].Pharmacogenomics transforms pharmacy practice by making medication use safer, more effective, and more cost-efficient. Integrating genetic information into the medication decision-making process represents a significant advancement in our ability to provide personalized care.

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The Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist

pharmacogenomics pharmacist

Pharmacogenomics empowers pharmacists to practice at the top of their scope by leveraging their medication expertise in the context of a patient's genetic information. The Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist is the PGx champion in any health setting that strives to provide precision-based prescribing of medications.Here's how pharmacogenomics enhances the role of pharmacists:1. Personalized Medication Management: Pharmacists can use pharmacogenomics to tailor drug therapy to individual patients, ensuring that medications are effective and safe based on their genetic makeup. This personalized approach allows pharmacists to provide a higher level of care and aligns with the movement toward precision medicine [1].2. Risk Reduction: By understanding genetic predispositions to drug reactions, pharmacists can identify at-risk patients and adjust medication regimens accordingly. This proactive management reduces the likelihood of adverse drug events and improves patient outcomes [2].3. Enhanced Clinical Decision-Making: Pharmacogenomics provides pharmacists with additional data points for clinical decision-making. This allows them to contribute more effectively to multidisciplinary healthcare teams, offering insights into drug selection and dosing that can prevent treatment failures and reduce the need for trial-and-error approaches. Qualitative evidence exploring the attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists to adopt PGx showed that pharmacists saw PGx as a significant opportunity to be involved in clinical decision-making at a deeper level providing career satisfaction [3].4. Education and Counseling: Pharmacists are well-positioned to educate patients and healthcare providers about the benefits and limitations of pharmacogenomics. They can interpret genetic test results and explain their implications for drug therapy, which is crucial for informed decision-making and patient consent [2].5. Leadership in Implementation: As medication experts, pharmacists can lead the implementation of pharmacogenomic services within healthcare settings. They can develop protocols, participate in institutional review boards, and work with insurance companies to establish coverage for pharmacogenomic testing [3].6. Research and Development: Pharmacists involved in pharmacogenomics contribute to research that can inform future clinical guidelines and policies. Their unique perspective on medication use in different populations can drive innovation in drug development and personalized healthcare strategies [4].By integrating pharmacogenomics into their practice, pharmacists are not only able to provide more individualized care but also contribute to the broader healthcare system by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and participating in cutting-edge research. Pharmacogenomics enables pharmacists to utilize their full expertise and play a pivotal role in clinical decision making beyond medication dispensing.

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Australasian Precision Medicine Academy © 2024.
All rights reserved.

Contact APMA

Have a question about the APMA program, or a query?
We're happy to help, fill a form and we'll be in touch shortly.

The Evidence for
Pharmacogenomics (PGx)

A growing body of evidence is supporting the adoption of Pharmacogenomics in clinical practice.The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) provides peer-reviewed, updated guidelines with actionable recommendations for specific gene variants detected in patients.As well as drug-gene interactions, certain medications can affect metabolizing enzymes, causing a phenomenon called Phenoconversion. This causes drug-drug-gene interactions and adds to the complexity. Pharmacists are best placed to implement PGx in clinical practice because they have an extensive knowledge base in the pharmacology of drug interactions and can provide medication recommendations that take these types of interactions into account.Below are some links and references for recent evidence supporting PGx.Do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish to discuss this further.

PGx Educational Resources

We're working on a list of carefully curated PGx Resources that expedite PGx adoption
Watch this space...

Meet APMA's Founder

APMA was founded by Katrina Azer, a clinical pharmacist, educator, board member of the Pharmacy Council of New Zealand, CPIC member and telepharmacy expert."Recognizing a gap in PGx education in Australasia and countless queries from pharmacists who wanted to build their private consulting practices or integrate PGx into their practice, it was clear there was a problem - PGx education is lacking and this is evident in many qualitative studies that have identified that a gap in PGx education is the reason why PGx adoption is lagging. Rather than wait for someone else to build a solution and lead, I thought, "Why not me? I have the clinical skillset and real-life expertise based on my experience to build my practice; I could teach my journey and inspire other pharmacists to do the same."My interest in PGx stemmed from a health experience I had in 2020, where I was responding poorly to pain-relieving medication. I relentlessly searched for an answer to why I am not responding to a drug that I know, based on my education, is fairly effective at controlling the type of pain I suffered from.After several months of searching, I found the answer is in my genes; a pharmacogenomics test identified that I had the misfortune of not being able to effectively metabolize a range of medications.

And this marked the beginning of my research and postgraduate study in the field of Pharmacogenomics - the study of how your genes determine your response to medications.The focus of this program is to educate and empower clinicians to confidently bring the benefits of Pharmacogenomics to their patients.I didn't want to develop just another certification course. I wanted a program that truly stands out from the rest. The APMA PGx program covers the journey from the clinical to the business side of implementing PGx, to labs and interpreting results. I will not leave a stone unturned in the field so that every pharmacist who completes the program is equipped with the knowledge, confidence, and skill to deliver this service effectively to their patients."


If you secure your spot with a $200US deposit NOW,
You'll get access to the full APMA PGx Program for

$1099 ONLY

That's right..$6973$1749ONLY $1099USLIMITED TO 20 SPOTS ONLY

Fill in your details, hit submit & secure your spot with a deposit of $200.

So when you pay $1099, with a $200 deposit now, here is what you'll get:

  • Access to the accredited APMA Comprehensive PGx Program with 30+ Modules and 40+ hours of learning - valued at $899

  • A Certificate in Pharmacogenomics (CPGx) upon program completion

  • BONUS - Implementation Modules with real-world cases, lab and prescriber partnership frameworks - valued at $949

  • BONUS - Business, Marketing and Launch Modules - valued at $1699

  • Live Events - valued at $199

  • Research Updates - valued at $99

  • Lead Capture System - valued at $349

  • PGx Workbook Guides - valued at $199

  • Live Group Coaching Calls - valued at $349

  • Business resources & templates - valued at $209

  • APMA Weekly Newsletter - valued at $1020 yearly

  • Supportive PGx Facebook Community - valued at $499 yearly

  • ONE Personalized 1-1 Session - valued at $503

You won't pay



Submit the form below to secure your spot NOW

Hang on...just before you hit Submit:
• The cohort starts in April 2024.
• You will be emailed a confirmation of deposit, enrollment and next steps within 24 hours.
• Remainder of $899 due by 1 March 2024.
• $200 deposit is non-refundable.

If you encounter problems with this form contact

Fulfillment Policy

The following terms and conditions (the "Agreement') administer the use of '' (the "Website") and services ("Services') advertised and available through the APMA PGx academy. The Website is owned and operated by Katrina Azer (NZBN 9429049390537).The Website is offered subject to your (the "User" or "you") acceptance without modification of all of the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, policies and procedures that may be modified and published from time to time on the Website by – including, Pricing, Refund, Privacy Policy and others. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please refrain from using the Website.

1. Access & User Information

In order to purchase services on the Website, the User may fill the contact form on the Website (including filling out all required personal information). The User must notify Katrina Azer through, immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of its account.APMA©2024 may change, suspend or discontinue the Services, Products, fees, charges and terms at any time, including the availability of any feature or content. APMA©2024 may also impose limits on certain features and Services or restrict User's access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability. The User certifies that it is legally permitted to use the Website, and takes full responsibility for the selection and use of the Website. This Agreement is void where prohibited by law, and the right to access the Website is revoked in such jurisdictions.

2. Modifications

APMA©2024 reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify this Agreement, fees, charges and terms at any time. The User shall be responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. Use of the Website by the User following such notification constitutes the User's acceptance of the changes in the terms and conditions.

3. Payments & Fees

APMA © 2024 may save User’s credit or debit card information, unless the User notifies accepting this Agreement, the User is confirming that it is legally entitled to use the means of payment tendered and, in the case of card payments, that the User is either the cardholder or have the cardholder's express permission to utilize the card to effect payment. APMA©2024 may refuse to process a transaction for any reason or refuse Service to anyone at any time at APMA©2024 sole discretion. APMA©2024 will not be liable to User or any third party by reason of refusing or suspending any transaction after processing has begun.Unless stated otherwise, all fees and payments are quoted in the U.S. Dollars. The User is responsible for paying all fees, payments and applicable taxes associated with our Website and Services.

4. Online Payment Security

APMA©2024 uses the secure Payment Gateway for its online credit card transactions. All online credit card transactions performed on this site are secured payments.Payments are fully automated with an immediate response.Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by APMA©2024 or any outside party.All transactions are performed under 128 Bit SSL Certificate.All transaction data is encrypted for storage within bank-grade data centres, further protecting your credit card data.

5. Refund Policy

Please note that APMA has a no-refund policy.Once you have enrolled in The APMA PGx Program. All sales are final.For any questions regarding our refund policy, you can contact us at

6. General

No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer, relationship, etc. is intended or created by this Agreement. You acknowledge that you have all the necessary permits to grant us with User’s personal data to fulfill this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced. In our sole discretion, we may assign this Agreement upon notice to you. Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee that we will take action against all breaches of this Agreement.


If you have any questions concerning our fulfillment policy, please contact us at:

Australasian Precision Medicine Academy © 2024.
All rights reserved.

Transform your career with Pharmacogenomics Today!
Secure Your Spot Now with full payment of $1099, so you don't need to worry about it again!

APMA PGx Program Eligibility Questionnaire

Note: this is not a test, it is designed to assess if this program is the best fit for you!Once we receive it, we will be in touch to discuss your application, program cost, and confirm your enrollment.If you have any questions about the program or this form, contact us at's do this!

Australasian Precision Medicine Academy © 2024.
All rights reserved.